Acupuncture Southampton
Acupuncture In Southampton
Acupuncture is an integrated approach to the management of pain and inflammation and as a means of stimulating the body’s own healing chemicals to aid recovery and enhance rehabilitation. For the body to work in harmony there are several systems which must be healthy and well balanced.
Acupuncture treatments can aid in restoring the body back to health (homeostasis). The body has an innate ability to self-repair. The use of Acupuncture, Acupressure or Electro-Acupuncture enhances these natural self-repair mechanisms to enhance recovery and improve repair timeframes. Acupuncture also works in conjunction with other physiotherapy modalities, such as exercise and conditioning.
Acupuncture needles stimulate the flow of energy, known as Qi, which circulates in pathways (meridians) within the body. In a healthy body, a balance exists, but an injury, disease, emotion and infection disrupts Qi resulting in pain and inflammation. Acupuncture can positively influence these imbalances by the insertion and stimulation of needles within the body and restore the balance.
Sports Massage - 50 mins
Acupressure uses the therapist’s hands over Acupuncture or trigger points to relieve muscle tightness or to stimulate QI flow and balance the body. It is a healing art that uses the fingers of the therapist on the key Acupuncture points. The amount of pressure used varies according to the condition and requires trained, sensitive hands. It is often used with sensitive patients, patients with a needle phobia, children or frail patients.
Needles can be coupled to the electrodes of an electro-acupuncture apparatus. These units are designed to deliver variable amplitudes and frequencies of electrical impulses. Low frequency electro-acupuncture is intended to contribute to the mechanism of pain reduction, especially stimulating chemicals from the brain which will help reduce pain, promote relaxation and aid sleep. It is particularly useful in chronic pain problems and sits against a background of research to support its use.
Reducing pain
Promote healing
Reduce inflammation
Improve sleep
Reduce stress
Improves chronic pain
Sports Massage FAQs
Can I exercise after a sports massage?
Yes, you can exercise straight after a sports massage, however we would recommend having a lighter training rather than engaging in heavy, high intensity training. Usually, the best form of exercise after a sports massage is anything that involves light intensity cardiovascular exercise such as jogging, cycling, or swimming.Â
Can you have a sports massage when pregnant?
You can have sports massage during the pregnancy, however we would advice against deep tissue or hard pressure especially around the lower back and hips. Positioning during the sports massage is also an important factor to consider.Â
Does a sports massage hurt?
Due to the nature of sports massage, you may experience some pain and discomfort during the treatment, however we tailor the treatment to you tolerance. If you cannot tolerate deep tissue, we will start off light then gradually increase the pressure to stimulate adaptation.Â
Does sports massage improve performance?
Yes, there’s been numerous studies showing sports massage can help with sports performance by improving your mobility, flexibility and reducing the stress you have stored in the muscles.
How does sports massage complement other therapies and treatments?
Sports massage is one of the best treatments to add on top of a good exercise program. Sports massage will help keep the soreness and tightness at bay, as well as improving your recovery which will allow you to go and train hard without any pains or niggles.Â
How does sports massage reduce pain and stress?
Sports massage is helpful in reducing pain and stress by promoting blood flow to the muscle in pain, which will stimulate the recovery process, desensitising your nervous system and improving your pain threshold throughout the treatment.Â
How long is a sports massage?
A sports massage can take anywhere between 30 and 60 minutes, however here at Optimal Physical Therapy we recommend 60 minutes, as to gives us the opportunity to give enough attention to each muscle individually.Â
How much is a sports massage?
Sports massage should not be expensive. At Physical Therapy we charge a fixed rate of £40 for an hour appointment, where you will receive advice, rehabilitation exercises and assessment.
How often should I get a sports massage?
The frequency of the treatment depends on your activity levels in both personal and professional life. If you are really active in your personal life but you have a sedentary job then a session every 3 to 4 weeks will work just fine for you. On the other hand, if you have an active personal life and job then a more frequent treatment every 2 to 3 weeks might be more beneficial for you.
How to prepare for a sports massage?
There is not much preparation for a sports massage. All you need to do is make sure you have consumed water prior to treatment and got comfortable clothes you can change yourself into.Â
Is sports massage good for lower back pain?
Sports massage is a really good treatment to use for lower back pain, and this is mainly because we build a lot of tension over our back muscles. The tension can lead to pain and discomfort as well as stiffness.Â
What does a sports massage do?
Sports massage has a number of benefits, however the main ones are: Improve joint range of motion, improve muscle tension, decrease neurological excitability (relaxes the nerves), decrease muscle spasm, improve well-being and improve recovery times.Â
What to wear to a sports massage?
The best outfit to wear for your sports massage is anything that you feel comfortable in. We recommend gym clothing as they are both comfortable and easy to move around to allow your therapist to get to the area you are looking to treat. For men we recommend wearing loose shorts and for females we recommend a sports bra and shorts.Â
What's the difference between deep tissue and sports massage?
There isn’t a difference between sports massage and deep tissue. Deep tissue massage is a treatment technique used in sports massage, usually at the beginning to help get rid of any painful or tight areas.Â
Where to get a sports massage near me?
The best place for sports massage in Southampton is at Optimal Physical Therapy, where we put all the emphasis on helping you live a pain free life you always deserved or return back to you hobbies.Â
Get in touch
ready to book?
- The Gym Group Southampton Central First Floor, Hampshire House 176-178 High Street Southampton SO14 2BY United Kingdom
Working Hours
- Monday to Saturday 7AM to 10PM